Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Part 1

What is it about New Year’s that gets everyone worked up in a tizzy about the upcoming year being so much better than the previous one? As if 2008 was so bad that 2009 needs to promptly show it’s face to save us from our dark, meaningless existence. For the most part, we felt the same way transitioning from 2007 to 2008. So it seems every year’s end tends to be viewed through very glass-half-empty goggles. I usually consider myself an optimist, though that doesn’t mean I don’t have my bad days when I just want reality to forget I exist, so I can understand the desire to wipe the slate clean and start over. There’s an energy—a magic—to it. And believe it or not, that magic does indeed last all year. I realize Thanksgiving had moved along months ago, but allow me to share some things I’m thankful that 2008 brought me:
  • I became engaged to a woman who not only loves me to death, but somehow simultaneously tolerates me.

  • We moved into a new place that we both really like.

  • I chose my best friend, Ross, to be my Best Man. We don’t get to speak as often as I’d like to, but when we do, not only does he get every inside joke I say, but he makes me laugh hard enough to throw-up and piss myself at the same time. If that doesn't qualify you to be Best Man, I don't know what does.
  • My other best friend, Trey. Thanks for your friendship and for letting me be apart of your wedding last year, despite my, as you put it, “unfortunate brown-ness”. I’ll try to work on that for you. Stay safe fighting for us and come home soon (you have a lot of comics to catch up on!).

  • I made new friends that The Missus loves just as much as I do. You all are an incredible group of people. Thank you for your acceptance after knowing us for such a short while. Also, we enjoy your food.

  • I waited four years for the new Slipknot album. Thank God it was awesome!

  • Our cat, Summer, doesn’t wake us up on weekends nearly as early as she used to so we can feed her fat ass. Our other cat, Roxy, doesn’t throw-up as much as she used to. (This could be due to Summer eating all of her food, now that I think about it…)

  • Pepper the dog. You were a real bright spot during the last five years. We miss you, girl.

  • Barack Obama, for inspiring a nation, making history, and most of all, for seeing Dubya out of the office. I know you’re not a miracle worker, but I'm willing to put in the effort if you are. Let’s do this!

  • Heath Ledger, dude, the Joker was a godsend. Tell them I said thanks. RIP.

  • I got a few new people to read some comics. It’s my favorite form of entertainment, so it’s nice to be able to share it with others, even if they don’t stick with it.

  • I still have a steady job. Hell, I even got a raise.

  • My chiropractor helped me stop having so many migraines, though I should probably go more often.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. I’m sure if you thought about it, you’d see how good 2008 was for you, too.

Next: The Resolutions!

1 comment:

Belle7905 said...

First of all, really good blog. I liked it! And damn, am I one of those new comic book readers? That's unfortunate. Second, I have to say that I totally agree with you on the new year's thing, for the most part. I've spent 3/4 of my life existing in blissful optimism, letting new year's pass with a innocent kiss at midnight and a sip of champagne. I fight pessimism all of the time, thanks to my dad. Great guy, but really... a huge pessimist. But for me, 2009 is different, because it means another year to try to do it better. Because in 2008, I could have been better, things could have been better, and others could have been better. It was a year of deciding who I wanted to be and who I didn't want to be, what I wanted out of life and how to make it happen. So when the clock struck midnight this year, it was... relief, because it felt almost like a tangible turn of the page, like if I were looking at the story of my life, I was closing a chapter and eagerly awaiting a new chapter to begin.

Anyway, enough of my blabbering. I love that you're an optimist, and I'm glad we're friends!